Diablo 2 uber diablo
Diablo 2 uber diablo

The effect shares on all games on the server you play. It is worth mentioning that you personally don’t actually need to sell any rings to meet Uber Diablo.

diablo 2 uber diablo

It is recommended to have Prevents Monster Heal and/or Open Wounds, high lightning and fire resistance and physical damage reduction to fight him. His full list of skills and abilities includes: Fire Nova, Pink Lightning Hose, Cold Touch, Fire Wall, Firestorm, Bone Prison, Charge, Armageddon. He is similar in appearance to Hell level Diablo and is a formidable challenge. He will spawn at the first super-unique monster you encounter, so you can basically choose the location to fight Uber Diablo by selecting which super-unique you want him to replace. This message means that Uber Diablo has spawned. Once a certain number of these rings are sold, the whole screen shakes and the words ‘Diablo walks the earth’ appear on the screen. A notification is displayed onscreen whenever a Stone of Jordan is sold, indicating the number that has been sold. Uber Diablo is a monster that spawns only on Hell level games when a certain number of Stone of Jordan Rings are sold to merchants.

Diablo 2 uber diablo