Fallout 4 spouse companion mod
Fallout 4 spouse companion mod

Eppie - voiced by a South African DJ made by vault75, the same author as Mollie unfortunately she doesn't have her affinity/romance/perk system.Blood Rose - custom voice (a lower pitch of Piper's), has her affinity/romance/perk system.Athena - also fully voice acted but does not have an affinity system she sings though.Synth06 - fully voice acted, also has her own quest/affinity/romance/worldspace/custom armor, and yes, a new pair of synth eyes.Randompanser - fully voice acted, has her own quest/affinity/romance/worldspace/custom armor.Wastelander Barb and Shei Wolf Ally - both are independent of the vanilla system (like Heather) and don't take up a companion slot managed by MCM as well.I'm assuming it's from Atomic Radio/Tales from the Commonwealth also would like to add The Wasteland Codex as a fun addition to the game, with all entries voiced by Storyteller himself. (4) The Storyteller - from New Vegas/Youtube fame another welcome addition as a companion due to his narration/voice acting strangely enough, I don't recall which mod I had that got him installed. (3) Mollie the Cheerleader - Made by vault75 I find this mod quite hilarious due to how much of a dumb bimbo Mollie can be when she talks the voice acting and quips are very fun to hear in the game.

fallout 4 spouse companion mod

Voiced by Potasticpanda (you may know her as Recorder/Ambriel from Skyrim as well as mXr's special ladyfriend). Has her own affinity/romance/perk, and her own quest, with a very disturbing twist. (2) Ellen the Cartographer - Another companion that's also amazingly done made by u/guicool138. It's an amazing companion mod that totally beats out anything Bethesda has come up with. She just feels smarter than any vanilla companion, more complete even. Is even a vendor with her own type of items. Independent of the vanilla follower system. (1) Heather Casdin - What else can be said about this mod? Perfect.

fallout 4 spouse companion mod

Note that I won't be listing down any mods that just change a vanilla companion's appearance just the ones that add actual new companions. That being said, here are some companion mods I'm using for my playthrough. It has all the essential functions of several other mods, and even adds its own take on settlement building, outfit saving, dialogue, and yes, even a means for you to 'immersively' revive your own spouse. I'm using Amazing Follower Tweaks which is easily the best companion management/controller/overhaul mod in the game.

Fallout 4 spouse companion mod